Sweden's best cheese shop 2022!
Winner at Ostmässan 2022
Charcuterie shop, cheese shop or both?
Some call us a Charcuterie shop, some call us a cheese shop.
We just know that we love locally produced food and want to share that love with as many people as possible.
Welcome to our store with 100%
Norrland craft food and drink!

Västerbotten cheese
Exclusive anniversary piece
Västerbottensost® celebrates 150 years in 2022, now a unique small piece of Västerbottensost is being launched, edgeless and punched from the center of the cheese. The cheese is only available in a limited number and is sold exclusively by us at Gårdshem!
We can ship all over Sweden.
Mail to hej@gardshem.se or click the button below.
100% Norrland
We love locally produced food and drink crafts. Come in and taste!
You will find our store in Utopia, Umeå.

We have Sweden's largest collection of Northern cheeses, folk beer, coffee, charcuterie, sausages and much, much more.
In the store you will also find a range of Norrland crafts and design such as paintings, glass and other interior details.
Perfect for your own home or as appreciated gifts!